Wednesday, February 09, 2005

An Evening with Mr. Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens is brilliant. I know it's a word that is bandied around far too frequently, but in Hitchens case, it's simply true. I don't know a more intelligent, more witty, more insightful commentator in the public sphere right now. And let me say that I'm sure he and I don't agree on a lot of things (given that he is an avowed socialist, or at least was, and is still quite liberal). I don't think he's brilliant because he expounds what I think, I think he's brilliant because of the cogence and clarity of his thought. In hearing and reading him, it's obvious that you are in the presence of greatness.

Someday, I hope to be him. Unfortunately, my accent isn't a cool as his...

Anyway, I mention all this because I just read an account of Michael Totten's experiences with Mr. Hitchens on the evening of the Iraqi elections. Read it to get a great view of Hitchens razor sharp wit.