Thursday, March 17, 2005

Are we leaving our real allies in the lurch?

Here's an interesting piece from Michael Ledeen of NRO.

First, many of you might not be aware, but if you ever read anything from Reuters (the news company similar to AP) you can safely assume it's false (and likely from an anti-American perspective). This isn't my conservative bias causing an overreaction. The evidence against Reuters is stark and plentiful. It's not by coicidence, afterall, that many people have began calling it Al-Reuters. It really is about as reliable as Al-Jazeera...

Ledeen offers an example in his piece.

The main thrust of the column however is a criticism of President Bush for his handling of the Iran/Syria/Lebanon situation. Ledeen argues that Bush's desire to take a slower approach (thereby appeasing the Europeans) is in the end a poor strategy that will leave Democratic protesters throughout the Middle East demoralized and impatient.

That a large Iranian protest against the ruling Islamic Regime recently began a chant of "Bush, you told us to rise up, and so we have. Why don’t you act?" lends evidence that Ledeen may be right.

For me, I'm sympathetic to Ledeen's point of view and I'm less concerned about securing international support for U.S. actions. But given Bush's successes these past couple of years, I'll allow that he might know what he's doing. My patience will only last for so long though...

Anyway, I encourage you to read it and judge for yourself. At the least, it's interesting to see an attack on Bush from his right.