The Next Sean Hannity...
I suspect this kid would probably annoy me to talk politics with, and I'd end up arguing to his left (He sounds like a straight-up Republican, which I am most definetly not.)
Anyway, it's interesting nonetheless. I had to force myself to read the whole article. At the least, the first page is worth reading in its entirety. The latter 2 are semi-interesting and make the kid (at least to me) more likeable.
He doesn't seem overly thoughtful to me (He reminds me of Sean Hannity: A Republican who's loud, and not terribly adept at really grasping complex issues beyond the obvious).
One thing I will say, though, is the kid has a bright future with all his connections.
One other thing about the article: It's written by a liberal (as the author notes), so you get a number of Liberal myths presented. They're not important to the story, exactly, but they did kind of annoy me. For example, the section that talks about how Republicans are super-organized at message-shaping, while the Democrats are woefully inept is a bunch of bull.
One need look no further than the current efforts to scuttle President Bush's Social Security reforms to see that. Does the author think it's by sheer coincidence, for example, that every Democrat is referring to Bush's plan as "risky scheme." More to the point, the Clinton's DNC mastered organization long ago.
Still, the myth persists, likely because it's easier to believe that you keep losing elections because of poor organization, and not because no one believes in your policies.
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