Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Paul Krugman: Uniting the country one column at a time

I feel secure in saying that Paul Krugman is a partisan hack who's columns are a waste of ink. Of course, I might be being to charitable. Even so, I do give his columns a cursory run through to see what the the Krugmanite commune-ity (which said bye-bye to reality long ago) is focusing their fiery eye on at the moment.

Todays' column of course doesn't disappoint. (Login Required)

Krugman analyzes the reason that polls (shockingly!) found acadamia to be extremely lopsided towards Liberal/Left-Wing self-identification.

Krugman explains that this is not because acadamia is actually liberal, but because Republicans hate knowledge and thought.

I would offer that that seems reasonable, but of course as a conservative, I'm apparently incapable of utilizing reason.

Over at National Review, Jonah Goldberg responds. Especially note criticisms of Krugman's sourcing.