Thursday, February 14, 2008

On Love...

In honor of St. Valentine's Day, here's a wonderful piece on love by the normally curmudgeonly John Derbyshire. Even to those that are single, it makes your heart glow a little bit.

Here you go.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Classic Clinton

It's as disgusting as it is predictable: when you're in trouble in your campaign, simply feign indignation and play the victim.

No one does it better than the Clintons. They've made it an artform.

Whether it's decrying the existence of a mythical "vast, right-wing conspiracy," complaining that your opponents are only attacking you because you're a women (it couldn't be because you're the front-runner, could it?), or castigating anyone for claiming your conventienly timed crocodile tears weren't politically inspired (as you send your underlings on television to use those tears to political advantage), it's the same play from the same playbook.

What I will never understand is why people continue to fall for it.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

In search of cool...

I don't actually understand the point of this site, other than they gather together "the coolest" things around the US and UK.

These include a sweet outdoor theater in an LA mansion, the extravagent Hotel Stoli, and a giant statue of a woman made out of 24,000 peaches....

Check it out here.

The irrational nature of climate change solutions...

Here's an interesting column by George Will about biofuels, the folly of ethanol, and climate change. It does a great job of highlighting the unintended consequences of government policy undertaking.

Sample quote:

"To avoid drilling for oil in ANWR's moonscape, the planet savers evidently prefer destroying forests, even though they absorb greenhouse gases. Will ethanol prevent more carbon-dioxide emissions than would have been absorbed by the trees cut down to clear land for the production of crops for ethanol? Be that as it may, governments mandating the use of biofuels are one reason for the global rise in food prices, which is driving demand for more arable land. That demand is driving the destruction of forests—and animal habitats. In Indonesia alone, 44 million acres have been razed to make way for production of palm oil."

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Berkeley bravely fighting baby-killers...

Or at least I'm guessing that's their rationale.

The city of Berkeley has attempted to ban Marine recruiters from the city, calling them "unwanted intruders." Following the uproar, two of the saner (that being relative, naturally) city council members are requesting that the city re-think it's policies.

Meanwhile, Greg Gutfeld does what he does best: make fun of idiots.

Allow myself to introduce....myself... a new blog: Curriculum Vitae.

Ignoring the pretentious title, and the insufferably pedantic writing, it's actually occasionally worth reading.

How's that for a glowing recommendation? Actually, it's an excellent blog from a friend and worth checking out.

Hope you do so by clicking here.