The Good Rev. Byrd?
I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Some leading Senate Democrats (Kennedy, Byrd, Durbin, Boxer, Clinton, and others) held a rally with MoveOn.Org (you may remember them as the 527 group that created ads morphing images of President Bush into Nazi Rallies, etc...moderate stuff, don't you know).
Anyway, the rally was about judicial appointments and a protest of Republicans changing Senate rules to overcome the Democrats filibuster of every appointee to any high court that Bush proposes. Apparently the elderly Sen. Byrd (a former Grand Dragon Klansman from West Virginia I might add) was so riled up that he thought he was at something akin to a Southern Baptist church service.
During his compatriots' speeches he kept screaming out encouragement and agreement (ala 'Praise Jesus!') from the front row near the microphone, throwing off the ability of his fellow senators to speak in coherent thoughts...
I kinda wish I was there, if only for the laughs....
The article is here.
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