Rushdie on Islam, the War on Islamic Fascism, and more...
Here's an interesting interview in Reason Magazine with author Salman Rushdie on Islam, The East, American Foreign Policy, and his own ideological journeys from Leftism (he lived with the Sandanistas for at time) to his present position.
In many ways, he is of a similar mind to his friend (and frequent guest here on the Birdnest) Christopher Hitchens. But the interview clearly demonstrates that there are differences. Overall, it's a really fascinating look into the worldview of a very bright (and gifted) man.
"Reason: You wrote an essay criticizing President Bush and other Western leaders for claiming after 9/11 that “this is not about Islam.” In what way is this about Islam?
Rushdie: Well, you know, that was said for good reasons. It was said to minimize the backlash against Muslims. But just in terms of actual fact, it is absurd. It is not about football."
Check it out.
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