To begin, I'd like to pass along a link to an exceptional reporter.
Michael Yon is an independent reporter who has lived the past year in Iraq. His reporting is by far the best I've seen.
Moving out with soldiers and Iraqi policeman at the front lines, his reports describe in detail the immediacy of battle -- complete with descriptions of bullets flying over his head -- while never losing sight of the bigger picture of our efforts.
In a very real sense, his perspective is that of a front line soldier; yet he is armed with a camera, not a rifle.
If you want to get a feel for what our Soldiers go through, how successful (or not successful) or operations are, and wish to understand the nature of the enemy up close, I can't more highly recommend his site.
Lastly, Michael Yon's efforts are entirely financed out his own pocket. If you like what you see and wish to support him, you can donate money to his efforts via his website.
To access Michael Yon's webpage, click here.